Oil Painting/Portrait Commissions

Small oil painting (roughly 40.5cm x 30.5cm / 16” x 12”)
from £1200

Medium oil painting (roughly 61cm x 40.5cm / 24” x 16”)
from £1800


Large oil painting (roughly 91.5cm x 61cm / 36” x 24”)
from £3200

Larger paintings, price on request.

These prices are a guide and based on one sitter per portrait. 15% will be added for each additional sitter. Exact canvas size/ratio may change depending on commission and composition needs. Sitters will need to travel to my Cambridge based studio or provide suitable photographs to work from. Framing options from £200. Please email to discuss your commission.

Drawing and works on paper

Commissioned drawings/works on paper from £300 for A4. Pricing will depend on size, subject matter and materials.

I can work in charcoal, pencil, water colour, gouache, acrylic and mixed media. Please email to discuss.

Book commissions and Illustrations

Please contact my literary agent Paul Moreton at Bell, Lomax and Moreton. paul@bell-lomax.com

Thank you